| Cavity Filters, Preselectors 70 to 505 MHz:
Preselector Filters are required at the Input of all sensitive receivers. They separate the desired signal or signals from the unwanted signals. The desired signal usually is very low in amplitude; therefore, a preselector filter is required to have a very low insertion loss for the desired signal and high attenuation for the undesirable signals. The attenuation of the desired signals reduces the signal-to-noise ratio. The preselector filter, covering the entire frequency band of interest, is usually tuneable, and provides only a small part of the needed selectivity of the whole receiver.

1. Frequency Range 70 to 86 MHz
Frequency Range (MHz)
70 MHz – 86 MHz
Bandwidth at 3 db - MHz
2.0 min
Insertion Loss - max
2.0 db @ Fc
Rejection - db min
40 db @ Fc +/- 29 MHz
Impedance (Ω)
Return Loss – db min
Dimensions L X W X H mm
150 X 102 X 32
Connector Type
BNC, N type
2. Frequency Range 130 MHz to 170 MHz
Frequency Range (MHz)
130 - 154
150 - 170
Bandwidth at 3 db - MHz
2.0 min
Insertion Loss - max
2.25 db @ Fc
Rejection - db min
45 db @ Fc +/- 6 MHz
Impedance (Ω)
Return Loss – db min
Dimensions L X W X H mm
125 X 102 X 32
150 X 102 X 32
Connector Type
BNC, N type
3. Frequency Range 465 to 505 MHz
Frequency Range (MHz)
465 - 505
Bandwidth at 3 db - MHz
4.0 min
Insertion Loss - max
2.0 db @ Fc
Rejection - db min
50 db @ Fc +/- 29 MHz
Impedance (Ω)
Return Loss – db min
Dimensions L X W X H mm
80 X 102 X 32
Connector Type
BNC, N type
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